12 settembre 2012

Dress you up!



"All your suits are custom made in London
But I've got something that you'll really like
Gonna dress you up in my love
All over, all over"

Venerdì 14 settembre
(Ingresso a partire dalle 20.00. Primo act alle 20.30. Arrivate in orario!)
Open podium con vari artisti di diversa provenienza: acts folli e interazioni enogastronomiche
Senso, non-senso e sensazione fin dalla vostra nuda anima > E allora 'Agghindatevi'!
Musica, lounge, mangia&bevi.
Il bar è aperto, il buffet pure.

Vrijdag 14 september
(Deuren open vanaf 20.00 uur. Eerste act om 20.30 uur. Kom dus op tijd!)
Open podium met verschillende theatermakers uit verschillende achtergronden.
Met de gekste acts en met interactieve enogastronomie.
Zin onzin en sensatie vanuit je innerlijke naaktheid > Dus: 'Kleed Je Aan'!
Muziek, lounge, eten&drinken.
Bar is open, buffet ook.

Friday September the 14th
(Doors open from 8 pm. First act at 8.30 pm. So be on time!)
Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds.
Crazy acts and interactive gastronomy.
Sense, non-sense and sensation from your soul beeing naked > So 'Dress You Up'!
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, buffet as well.

Sint Jansstraat 37
1012 HG Amsterdam
Tel. 06 25382491 - info@ondaitaliana.org

€ 7,50 including buffet, theatre, music, lounge, entertainment, fun, eat&drink

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