22 giugno 2012

EAT ME: Friday 22 June at Astarotheatro

Food as culture? The culture of food?
Find out tonight at Astarotheatro!

Open podium con diversi artisti di diversa provenienza con acts pazzeschi e interazioni enogastronomiche.
Senso non-senso e sensazione tra leccornie e bevande
Musica, lounge, mangia&bevi.
Il bar è aperto, il buffet pure.

Open podium with different artists from different backgrounds.
Crazy acts and interactive gastronomy.
Sense, non-sense and sensation between delicacies and booze.
Music, lounge, eat&drink.
Bar is open, buffet as well.

‘Eat Me’: interactive performance with workshop > Roberto Bacchilega & Silvia Terribili
Band: Tora & Stefano Bocconi Band
Band: Dene’ & Stefano Bocconi Band
(Band: Heather)
Tricky Taste: considerazioni organolettiche intorno al rosso e al verde
Tricky Taste: organoleptic considerations around red and green > Barbara Summa
DivaVonDada/AnaMontana > act
Michela Mazzeo > Dance

Announcer > Marina Vizzinisi & Friends
Starts at 8 p.m.

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